ARTWORK (Print Guidelines)
You can email artwork to us if the file is less than 10Mb to Larger files up to 50Mb can be sent free using WeTransfer.
Print ready artwork must be supplied with 3mm bleed with a resolution of no less than 300dpi with all relevant links and fonts supplied, embedded or outlined. There may be a delay if there are missing fonts. Images supplied must be CMYK and a minimum of 300dpi.
Don't worry if you don't understand all of the above - give us a call and we can help.

We accept files in most major formats including those listed below.
PDF: We accept many major file formats, but preferably would like PDF files sent. (Please save files as PDF/x-1a:)
Professional design packages accepted include InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.

Files from the Office suite can vary when opened on different computers, due to different page set up, missing fonts, etc. It's highly recomended that you export your work as a PDF.
Please do not use transparent backgrounds in MS Office applications as these can cause problems when converting them for print.
Supply any non-standard fonts with your artwork.
If required we will supply a pdf proof for checking from your submitted file.

Standard international print sizes are recognised as follows:
A0 (1189 x 841)
A1 (841 x 594)
A2 (594 x 420)
A3 (420 x 297)
A4 (297 x 210)
A4 (210 x 148)
A6 (148 x 105)
Business Cards (85 x55mm)
Artwork for large format can be submitted at a smaller scale for ease. (ie - 25 or 50%)
Other sizes can be utilised for print but please consider how your sheet fit the sizes above.
Give us a call if you need some advice first.

Please ensure that all embedded images are saved using a CMYK colour profile. While RGB images look good on screen these images will be converted to CMYK which can alter the appear significantly. We recommend this conversion to carried out on the client-side so you have full control over the conversion process.
Colour matching to a previously printed job MUST be brought to our attention at the ordering stage. A hard copy sample will be required before printing can commence. We cannot be held responsible if your printed work does not match your requirements unless those requirements are brought to our attention prior to print.

Do not impose your jobs, send the files as single pages - Not Printers Pairs please, only send one version.
All artwork must have 3mm bleed, if you require the image to bleed off the edge of the paper.
Please ensure that artwork is supplied at the correct finished size required. If this is not possible, please inform us to allow time for amending the artwork.
Converted to CMYK Colours
Embed Fonts (Converted to Curves)
3mm Bleed & Crop Marks (if document bleeds)
Print/Press Quality - 300pdi
Sized to 100% Scale